• s Simple compositions for the safety of your skin. 1. PROTECTION AGAINST UVA / UVB The photostable organic filter system effectively protects the skin against harmful UVA and UVB radiation. 2. HEALTH AND BEAUTIFUL OPALENING WARRANTY Argan oil contained in the product gently oils and moisturizes the skin, giving guarantees for a beautiful and golden tan. It leaves the skin soft, smooth and velvety to the touch. 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND PROTECTION AGAINST THE TRANSFER The formula of the oil is rich in active ingredients in the form of issuers with moisturizing and nutritional properties. They strengthen the hydrolipid barrier of the skin, making it effectively protected against drying.
  • s Simple compositions for the safety of your skin. 1. PROTECTION AGAINST UVA / UVB The photostable organic filter system effectively protects the skin against harmful UVA and UVB radiation. 2. HEALTH AND BEAUTIFUL OPALENING WARRANTY Argan oil contained in the product gently oils and moisturizes the skin, giving guarantees for a beautiful and golden tan. It leaves the skin soft, smooth and velvety to the touch. 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND PROTECTION AGAINST THE TRANSFER The formula of the oil is rich in active ingredients in the form of issuers with moisturizing and nutritional properties. They strengthen the hydrolipid barrier of the skin, making it effectively protected against drying.

Protective dry oil SPF 50


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Simple compositions for the safety of your skin. 1. PROTECTION AGAINST UVA / UVB The photostable organic filter system effectively protects the skin against harmful UVA and UVB radiation. 2. HEALTH AND BEAUTIFUL OPALENING WARRANTY Argan oil contained in the product gently oils and moisturizes the skin, giving guarantees for a beautiful and golden tan. It leaves the skin soft, smooth and velvety to the touch. 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND PROTECTION AGAINST THE TRANSFER The formula of the oil is rich in active ingredients in the form of issuers with moisturizing and nutritional properties. They strengthen the hydrolipid barrier of the skin, making it effectively protected against drying. In order to achieve the desired level of protection indicated on the protective filter, sunscreen products should be applied in quantities of 2 mg / cm2, which corresponds to 6 teaspoons of emulsion (about 36 grams) on the body of an average adult. Applying a smaller amount of sunscreen product reduces protection. To maintain protection, renew the application every 2 hours after each wiping of the body with a towel, swimming or sweating. NOTE: Excessively long exposure to the sun can pose a serious health risk. Avoid excessive exposure or protect the skin with high filters when the sun is operating most strongly. Solar protection products do not provide 100% protection.


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s Simple compositions for the safety of your skin. 1. PROTECTION AGAINST UVA / UVB The photostable organic filter system effectively protects the skin against harmful UVA and UVB radiation. 2. HEALTH AND BEAUTIFUL OPALENING WARRANTY Argan oil contained in the product gently oils and moisturizes the skin, giving guarantees for a beautiful and golden tan. It leaves the skin soft, smooth and velvety to the touch. 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND PROTECTION AGAINST THE TRANSFER The formula of the oil is rich in active ingredients in the form of issuers with moisturizing and nutritional properties. They strengthen the hydrolipid barrier of the skin, making it effectively protected against drying.
